Oil Sands Development in the Muriel Lake area

Did you know that there are only 3 oil sands areas in the province which are considered to be “recoverable” – and Muriel Lake is in the middle of one of them!?

Environment Canada says this about oil sands development:
“What Are The Oil Sands? The oil sands are considered to be one of the largest single accumulations of oil in the world. While some deposits of oil sands extend into Saskatchewan, presently the only recoverable resources are located in Alberta in three main regions: Athabasca, Cold Lake, and Peace River (Exhibit A). The deposits underlie 140,200 km2 of boreal forest, muskeg peat bogs and northern prairie ecozones and are estimated to hold 1.7 trillion barrels of crude oil.”

Want more information, check it out here:

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